Converts this Long from bytes -> gigabytes.
Converts this Long from bytes -> kilobytes.
Converts this Long from bytes -> megabytes.
Converts this Long from bytes -> terabytes.
Returns the humanized time of a nanosecond-precision time.
Concat a string if it's over textLen.
Returns true if every element appears to be true from the predicate closure, otherwise it returns false.
Returns the index from any elements that appears true from the predicate closure, otherwise, it returns false.
Returns a Pair from a List object which the first item is from the #first() function, and the second pair is the remaining arguments.
Returns the humanized time for a java.lang.Long instance
Calls the body function if T was not null.
Calls the body function if T was null.
Format this Long into a readable byte format.
Upper cases the first letter of this String