Package-level declarations


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open class ReleaseType(val suffix: String)

Returns the release type of specific Version.

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class Version(val major: Int, val minor: Int, val patch: Int, val build: Int = 0, val release: ReleaseType = ReleaseType.None, showPatchNumber: Boolean = false)

Represents a simple version class to use for versioning.


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infix fun <T> Property<in T>.by(value: T)

Simple infix function to add a property of T easily.

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infix fun <T> Property<in T>.byLazy(lazyValue: Property<in T>.() -> Unit)

Infix function to lazily evaluate a Gradle property from a DSL function. This is useful if you rely on Property and such.

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fun DependencyHandler.floofy(group: String, module: String, version: String = "", type: String = "implementation"): Dependency
fun KotlinDependencyHandler.floofy(group: String, module: String, version: String, type: String = "implementation"): Dependency

Adds a dependency to the package that is imported from Noel's Maven repository (located at[releases|snapshots]).

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fun RepositoryHandler.noel(snapshots: Boolean = false)

Adds Noel's maven repository to the current repository handler.

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fun RepositoryHandler.noelware(snapshots: Boolean = false)

Adds the Noelware Maven repository to the current repository handler.

fun DependencyHandler.noelware(group: String, module: String, version: String, type: String = "implementation"): Dependency

Adds a dependency to the package that is imported from Noelware's Maven repository (located at[snapshots]).

fun KotlinDependencyHandler.noelware(group: String, module: String, version: String, type: String = "implementation"): Dependency

Adds a dependency to the package that is imported from Noelware's Maven repository (located at